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Can climate lawsuits help to stop global warming?

(Context, 26 Apr 2024) A growing number of lawsuits against companies and states could spur greater action to tackle climate change.

Activists young and old, farmers, scientists and Indigenous peoples are filing a growing number of lawsuits against governments and fossil fuel companies to try to slow global warming. 

Dubbed "climate lawfare", the total number of such cases has more than doubled since 2015 to about 2,000 now, according to Climate Change Laws of the World, a database of climate change legislation and policies around the globe. 

Legal experts say cases brought in the past year accusing authorities in the United States and Europe of climate inaction, could have a ripple effect on other lawsuits.

Here's what you need to know about climate litigation.

What is climate change litigation and where is it happening?

Climate change litigation is an emerging field of law in which individuals or groups have taken governments or companies to court to spur climate action, such as phasing out fossil fuels and reducing harmful emissions.

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Context, 26 Apr 2024: Can climate lawsuits help to stop global warming?