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German government agrees to build “core” hydrogen grid

(Clean Energy News, 25 May 2023) The German government has agreed rules to build an initial “core” hydrogen network that is set to enter operation by 2032.

"Our goal is the rapid ramp-up of the hydrogen market," saideconomy and climate minister Robert Habeck. Operators of long-distance gas grids are to draw up the core grid in the coming months. This will be followed by consultations with the public, Germany’s states, and various market players.

The head of German grid agency BNetzA, Klaus Müller, welcomed the cabinet decision, according to a report by newswire dpa. "This is the very decisive prerequisite so we can rely on where the hydrogen will come from, how it will be transported across Germany, and where it can be used," Müller said. He added that companies needed clarity to invest. "We are not making any progress, we are going in circles. That has been going on for long enough."

Gas transmission grid association FNB Gas called the agreement “a central step” for the development of a Germany-wide hydrogen infrastructure, which should provide market participants with planning and investment security.

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Clean Energy News, 25 May 2023: German government agrees to build “core” hydrogen grid