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Q&A - Germany’s nuclear exit: One year after

(Clean Energy Wire, 27 Mar 2024) Decades of debates came to an end in April 2023, when Germany finally shuttered its last nuclear power plants after the energy crisis.

One year on, predictions of supply risks, price hikes and dirty coal replacing carbon-free nuclear power have not materialised. Instead, Germany saw a record output of renewable power, the lowest use of coal in 60 years, falling energy prices across the board and a major drop in emissions. Industry representatives warn that an effect on power costs may still become visible once Germany's economy moves out of recession. At the same time, many countries plan to expand nuclear power, suggesting the country's phase-out has not found many followers. Yet, global nuclear power market numbers indicate that a nuclear revival is not imminent either.


  1. How has the phase-out been conducted?
  2. Was there any supply security risk in the aftermath?
  3. What was the gap left by nuclear power filled with?
  4. What changed in electricity imports and why?
  5. Did power prices go up due to the phase-out?
  6. What happens with the retired nuclear plants and waste materials?
  7. How did the national debate about nuclear power develop?
  8. How did the nuclear debate move on in the rest of the world?

External link

Clean Energy Wire, 27 Mar 2024: Q&A - Germany’s nuclear exit: One year after